Anomaly Vineyards

A Berkeley, California transplant's view of becoming an Accidental Vintner.

The saga continues


So, as I was saying, I was feeling stuffed and taking me to the doc is definitely NOT an option, so as you can see, the hose that had been filling me up had to be diverted directly to my source (I always preferred the top-down rather than bottom-up type of feeding). But since I'm so tall (and I can hold 2200 gallons, yep, I'm a big guy) it took THREE people to carry my feeding tube up the ladder. I'm tired just watching them haul that thing up. But they got it up and in and all I can say is that I feel so much better now. And we're back to a smooth start to the afternoon.... oh oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Chantico from Tank #6.


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