Anomaly Vineyards

A Berkeley, California transplant's view of becoming an Accidental Vintner.

Who's drinking Anomaly?

Not to drop names, but Jennifer Garner and her hubby, Ben Affleck, as well as famed photographer, Greg Gorman, have all had Anomaly in the past month. Jen and Ben as a result of our daughter, Emilie's, work as a stand-in on Alias (she stands in for Jennifer Garner's sister character on the show) - one of the crew gave them a bottle of Anomaly as a gift. And Greg Gorman visited Dan Hemann (Green Door Studio in Fort Bragg). Dan created the image that's on our label of Indee. Actually, he created it, we saw it in a gallery in Mendocino, and contacted him for permission to use the image on our label as it so reminded us of Indee. Not as a plug by any means, but Dan's bronze work is absolutely incredible. Just in case you're curious, you can check him out at ">
where the first image on his page is our logo. Thanks, again, Dan. And Chantico.


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