Anomaly Vineyards

A Berkeley, California transplant's view of becoming an Accidental Vintner.

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We looked high, but apparently not low, because right at our feet, we found what we had been searching for - a wine connoisseur. And her fee? A glass of Anomaly elixer - better known as grape juice. No, she isn't tasting actual wine (this is for the benefit of her parents: our son and daughter-in-law). While the brix is still high, and after the yeast has been added, the juice in the tanks is about as delicious as a bubbly glass of, well, bubbly grape juice! As you can see, Josie gave her approval, after 3 glasses! Chantico!

First, you must observe the grapes in the tank

Then you must sniff for aroma

And be sure to finish every last drop

Then let Granda know you approve!


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