Anomaly Vineyards

A Berkeley, California transplant's view of becoming an Accidental Vintner.

Joe vs. The Vertical

Last week, Joe Delia, one of our favorite customers, made the ultimate sacrifice—he and his wife, Terri, invited seven guests to a filet mignon dinner where they poured every year of Anomaly made to date - seven years for seven guests (well, nine actually!). He shared the above photo as proof as well as the following comments:
"I think you can tell from the smile on my face that we had a great time! Thank you for creating a truly outstanding product!!

The 2000 was considered to be the favorite. Silky smooth tannins and fruit forward, it was a delicious bottle which started the tasting off with a bang.

The '04 and '03 (in that order) were judged to be the best accompaniment to the dinner.

Best Regards,
Joe Delia"

Joe and Terri - thank you so much for sharing this moment with us. And as always, Chantico!


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